Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Discussing the Subject of Death

On BBC RAdio 4 Today programme this morning Jon Adamson tells us that, in the 3 years since he started the idea in the UK, there are now over 700 Death Cafes where people can drink tea, eat cake and talk about their mortality in a comfortable cafe-style setting.

Our well thumbed handbooks The Dead Good Funerals Book - which answers all those questions about funerals that you always wanted to ask - has been spotted more than once amongst the crumbs.
Clean, non-sticky copies available from us at www.deadgoodguides.com 


Sunday, 1 June 2014

A NEW ISLAND appears

It is not often a new island appears on your doorstep. Here is IDRIDGE SCAR, a dark horizontal band of limestone, 1.5 km south east of the Beach House out in Morecambe Bay. We found it marked on old OS maps, hence the name, but in the 15 years we have been scanning the Bay countless times a day, there has been no sign of it until now. Here it is back again, demonstrating the dynamic nature of this Bay and its storm surges, constantly silting up on one side and scouring out down to the bedrock on the opposite shore in an endless cycle.


We walked out to explore it and saw close up the limestone ridge of rock fringed with a green beard of seaweed. We have not actually set foot on it yet as there was a sinister channel flowing fast between us and Idridge Scar.  We must wait until there are extremely low tides and dry weather.