Tuesday, 24 September 2013


It's that time again. The elderberries are full of sun and rain ready for harvesting. Pick them and boil them in a syrup. A great boost to the immune system. Take some each morning. It really works.
Here's what to do. Using a fork strip the berries off the stalks into the pan, cover with water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. To extract the juice pour the whole lot into a large square of muslin. ( Turn a chair upside down on the table. Tie the muslin firmly to each leg).Place a large clean bowl underneath to catch the precious juice. To each pint of juice add 8-10 cloves and 350 g of sugar. Return to the pan and simmer 15 mins. Leave to cool. Bottle in sterilised bottles. Store up to 4 months or put into clean plastic milk bottles and freeze.

It's that time again. Our October Rites of Passage Autumn School may offer further mellow transitions. Two unexpected cancellations mean we can offer 2 late deal places. For further info. See our website: www.deadgoodguides.com

                              Headline below ( in black on dark blue ) above the stunning image of



                                " A NEW CONCEPT OF CELEBRATORY FACILITATORS"


Sunday, 22 September 2013

LATE DEAL on Rites of Passage Autumn School

Quick! Save £85 on your fee for a place on our next Rites of Passage workshop 21-24 October in Frome, Somerset. A couple of late cancellations means that we have 2 gaps to fill, so here's a special discount fee of £295 instead of £380 for a place. Just 4 weeks to go, so don't leave it too long. 

Full details on deadgoodguides.com     

Sunday, 15 September 2013



The Lantern Parade in Ulverston has come a long way since 1983.
A perfect example of vernacular art in action.
Non commercial. Non competitive. Not in aid of anything except itself. 
Open to all comers whatever their experience and skill. 
Beautiful home made sculptures, delicate with tissue and candlelight.
A seasonal and personal  transition point. A gathering of friends and family. 
Multi generational. Multi cultural.
A thousand lanterns.
Four rivers of light.
Four energetic and raucous street bands including the 20 piece Blast Furness.
A few moments of excess.
A perfect firework conclusion.
A public rite of passage to mark the coming of autumn before the rainy days set in.
An Ulverston export along with Stan Laurel, pole vaulting and women's football.
Long may it continue.

Congratulations to the dedicated team who made it happen.

Garry Gifford's Lantern. 
                                Photo Ceri Hutton.                     More fine photos on Facebook

On a personal note, Rowan our youngest granddaughter rising five, made (with her mum)  a stunning big lantern of a "lady". With her pointy ears  and full face I thought it was a snow leopard but it was probably a a very large Mrs Mouse. Rowan said it was "The happiest day of her life'. This as she tumbled in glee at the noisy firework stars. Naturally we wondered if, all those thirty years ago, Rowan Stella was a gleam in some firmament or other ......


Just back from Dublin Fringe Festival where we ran a Rites of Passage Workshop for TRAILBLAZERY to explore Ceremony and Celebration in contemporary society - 

everything Sue Gill is saying is compelling and amazing, we are finding it tough to capture in a tweet!  

Opening Ceremony with the workshop participants
Spiral Dance where John played melodeon.

For our next venture we are offering a little mellow fruitfulness in the form of our  


led by Gilly Adams and Sue Gill

21 - 24 October in Frome, Somerset


Many of us experience ritual and ceremony in our lives in an inarticulate way, plagued by anxiety and embarrassment: we settle for a formulaic response to marking birthdays; we give a glance to the changing of the seasons; we bear witness at weddings and funerals. 

This intensive 4 day course offers an opportunity to explore how ceremony and celebration feature, and have featured, in our own lives in order to empower ourselves to be bolder.

Journey is a key metaphor in this work and the focus is on rolling up our sleeves and making ceremony - both public and private - in a safe environment ......   

Fee £380 includes tuition, materials and home cooked meals throughout. We can often help with contacts for households in Frome offering budget accommodation which is not included in the price of the workshop. 

Please contact  

foxandgill@btinternet.com                                www.deadgoodguides.com

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


We are working in Dublin on Sunday September 8th for The Trailblazery, a seriously dynamic and visionary outfit, ploughing and seeding new ground. Have a look at their  work: www.fringefest.com/strands/rites-of-passage

Meanwhile also check out the Campaign Against The Arms Trade website. They are an equally serious, energetic and very well informed organisation who are currently drawing attention to the immediate obscene London Arms Fair (7th to 13th September):  www.caat.org.uk
 Ask CAAT "Who makes the teargas?"

A Book:"The Shadow World" Inside The Global Arms Trade by Andrew Feinstein. Penguin
is a good primer.