It's that time again. The elderberries are full of sun and rain ready for harvesting. Pick them and boil them in a syrup. A great boost to the immune system. Take some each morning. It really works.
Here's what to do. Using a fork strip the berries off the stalks into the pan, cover with water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. To extract the juice pour the whole lot into a large square of muslin. ( Turn a chair upside down on the table. Tie the muslin firmly to each leg).Place a large clean bowl underneath to catch the precious juice. To each pint of juice add 8-10 cloves and 350 g of sugar. Return to the pan and simmer 15 mins. Leave to cool. Bottle in sterilised bottles. Store up to 4 months or put into clean plastic milk bottles and freeze.
It's that time again. Our October Rites of Passage Autumn School may offer further mellow transitions. Two unexpected cancellations mean we can offer 2 late deal places. For further info. See our website:
It's that time again. Our October Rites of Passage Autumn School may offer further mellow transitions. Two unexpected cancellations mean we can offer 2 late deal places. For further info. See our website: